South Phoenix is a beautiful place with a rich history and even richer potential. Pastor Juan and Tina Chavez desire to serve the areas of brokenness in the community with a church called to remind those on the margins, the overlooked, and under-resourced, that there is love and hope in Jesus.
You are invited to attend our launch service! Celebrate with us and learn more about how you can connect with what God is doing in South Phoenix.
Date: February 9th, 2025
Time: 10:00 a.m. – Coffee & Connection
10:30 a.m. – Service
Location: 3648 W. Southern Ave. Suite 150
Phoenix, Arizona 85041

For many years God has been stirring our hearts to start a church in South Phoenix. I (Juan) grew up in South Phoenix. Jesus saved me at age 19 and immediately birthed a passion to connect with others in South Phoenix and share the gospel – to reach those who were far from God, just as I was. After years of ministry with high school students, young adults, and families, we are obeying God’s call to start a church – Beloved South Phoenix. A healthy, Jesus-centered church, established and rooted in South Phoenix.
South Phoenix is a beautiful place with rich history and even richer potential. Made up of primarily Latino and African-American families, there is a beautiful tapestry of culture. Many who grew up here hold South Phoenix near and dear to their hearts, and call it “home”. At the same time, if you’re from here you know there is lots of need. As we live in and travel through this community, it’s obvious that poverty, addiction, violence, broken homes, and food insecurity plague our community. Jonathan Brooks once said, “There are no God-forsaken places, just church-forsaken places.” Beloved South Phoenix plans to help meet these needs, and more, while providing a place of worship and community. We are a church called to remind those on the margins, the overlooked, and under-resourced, that there is love and hope in Jesus. We will display God’s love in both word and deed.
We are preparing to plant this church between 35th Ave – 7th Ave (west to east) / Baseline-Broadway (south to north). We began meeting in our home with a core team, and our goal is to launch Sunday services later this year. May we see God’s kingdom come and His will be done in South Phoenix, as it is in heaven.
For the glory of God and the good of South Phoenix,
– Pastor Juan and Tina Chavez
Give online
We believe we don’t just give to a church, but we give as a church. Giving is a way to offer back to God the blessings and resources He has given us for His people and church. Click or tap the button below to give to Beloved South Phoenix.
We value a deep love and worship for the triune God, extending worship beyond Sunday services. With God’s love at the center of everything we do, we’re devoted to the Holy Bible, prayer, and corporate worship. We recognize the global nature of the church, see the body as distinct, equal, and one, acknowledge the diverse gifts of the Holy Spirit, and view justice as essential. Together, we practice radical hospitality, celebrate multi-ethnicity and offer a generous welcome to all as God’s beloved people.

If you have questions or are interested in joining our core team, giving financially, or becoming a partnering organization, we would love to connect. Send us an introduction email and we will follow up with you quickly.